Let’s CollaBESTate™
The Collaborative Law Process is your BEST divorce option during a difficult, life-changing event.
Estate Planning is the BEST gift
you can give to your loved ones.
Your BEST Choice!
Family Law
Collaborative Divorce
Estate Planning During Divorce
Collaborative Divorce Mediation
Parenting Plan Mediation
Family Mediation
Elder Care Mediation
Estate Planning After Divorce
PEACE Estate Planning
4MyKid™ Protection Plan
PEACE Legacy Planning
Elder Law
PEACE Estate Planning
PEACE Legacy Planning
Helping You Plan in Limited Circumstances
Unbundled Legal Services
Divorce Adviser
Legal Coach
Preparation of Court Forms
Draft Agreements
Legal Advice for Pro Se (self-represented) persons
Independent Legal Review of Agreements
Review and Checkup of Existing Estate Plans
Just imagine…
You’re a stay-at-home wife, loving mother of three children, and a business entrepreneur carrying on merrily with your everyday life without a worry in the world. Suddenly, your husband throws you a curveball when he files for divorce. In a blink of an eye, your whole world comes crashing down when you realize that your very purpose in life, your family, is shattered. In the moment, you no longer have a clear focus of your life. What started as a peaceful separation quickly escalates into a full-blown, acrimonious litigation. The fight lasts for seven years, becoming prohibitively costly and disheartening for the family as a whole. And still, after all is said and done, the case never makes it to trial!
This is a true story. This is what happened to me. An unnecessary conflict that could have been resolved if only someone had told me there was another way to divorce. A better way to divorce. The Collaborative Law way.
What is Collaborative Law?
Collaborative Law is a unique, out-of-court alternative to help you divorce by resolving your differences without having to go through the destructive litigation path.
On March 4, 2016, the Florida Legislature passed the Collaborative Law Practice Act with the purpose to create a uniform system of practice for the collaborative law process. As per Florida Statute §61.56, the Collaborative Law process is defined as “a process intended to resolve a collaborative matter without intervention by a tribunal and in which the persons sign a collaborative law participation agreement and are represented by collaborative attorneys.”
This relatively new process has evolved to help you divorce in a private and humane way, and to stay outside of the courtroom.
4MyKid™ Protection Plan
If you have a minor child or children, one of the most important plans you should have is our 4MyKid™ Protection Plan, in the event you cannot care for them in your incapacity (illness, accident, or passing away). We will help you choose the right guardians to provide the necessary care for your kids when you are not able to do so. We will also help you establish “first responders”, which are persons chosen by you, who can quickly take custody of your child or children until your temporary or permanent guardians can take over. For example, your first responders may be your best friend or a trusted person that lives near your home.
We will walk you through a step-by-step process to create your 4MyKid™ Protection Plan, by providing you with clear and concise instructions, guidelines, and safeguards. Moreover, we will create all the documents to ensure that your family is properly taken care of as per your wishes. You will even have an identification card (ID card) to carry in your wallet, so that all are on notice that you have a minor child or children at home.
Call us today for further information about our 4MyKid™ Protection Plan at 305.440.1888

Betsy Vázquez, Esquire, is a Collaboratively trained attorney and a member of the Collaborative Family Law Institute and Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She has a unique approach to divorce by looking at the global picture and incorporating estate planning during and after divorce through her CollaBESTate™ approach.
Don’t Wait Any Longer. Plan Your Future Today!
Phone: 305.440.1888
Email: [email protected]
3105 NW 107th Avenue
Suite 400
Doral, FL 33172
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